Thursday, December 17, 2009

FYI: Throwing Your Cigarette Butt out of the Car Window IS Littering.

My first caught on camera (sort of) incident.  While driving home the car in front of me threw out their burning cigarette butt.  So I took a picture of their license plate.  I spoke with the local Troy Police Department to see if any justice could be served.  They were very nice and explained that an officer has to witness the act to give a ticket.  It is considered littering.  It is NO different than throwing any other trash out of your window.  SO cigarette butt throwers, you know who you are, stop littering up the streets with your tobacco leftovers.

P.S.  The police said as a citizen I can file a claim and take the person to court if I want, but it would be my word against theirs.  Guess I need to practice my "catch them in the act" camera skills!

This photo was taken on Crooks across from the Royal Oak High School.  Hope this isn't your friend.  
Hi Michigan BDT 7160, you're on camera...


  1. i hate this so much! it grosses me out! not least because you know right BEFORE they chuck their trash out into the world, i'm treated to a big lungful of smoke as they open their windows and my car fan sucks it in. >:(

    in LA, cops DO ticket people for this all the time; it's a fire hazard. it can be a $450 ticket, easy.

  2. I suppose you could have pulled up next to him and told him that you believe he dropped something back a way. It would have let him know that he was being watched.


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